Ant-Man Director Describes the Character's Arc

Edgar Wright, whose The World's End wowed critics and audiences when it opened over the weekend, [...]

Ant-Man tease

Edgar Wright, whose The World's End wowed critics and audiences when it opened over the weekend, has raised the cone of silence somewhat on Ant-Man, his Marvel Comics adaptation due out in 2015 and one of the next movies to go into production from the studio. Asked whether it bothered him to be working on a character with decades of history, given his oft-stated preference for films that move forward rather than looking back, he said no. "You know what, like because there's never been a film adaptation of that character, I think it's OK," Wright told CinemaBlend. "If it was a remake of a film from 30 years ago, then I would be a hypocrite, but because it's never been made into a movie ever. And also, to be honest, there are elements in that script that actually do continue themes from the other movies, an unlikely hero, a chance at redemption, and so, it's not something, it's going to be, it will be different, but I think it will still feel like one of my films. " So, it sounds like he won't be the next guy for a Superman or Spider-Man movie...!