Box Office: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles & Guardians Of Galaxy Take Top Two Spots, The Expendables 3 Finishes Fourth

Just as was predicted based on Friday box office numbers, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles finished at [...]

Just as was predicted based on Friday box office numbers, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles finished at the top of the U.S. box office for the second weekend in a row. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles took in an estimated $28.4 million during it's second weekend.

Guardians of the Galaxy finished a close second with $24.73 million during its third weekend at the U.S. box office. With very strong word-of-mouth, it's very possible that Guardians of the Galaxy could stay in one of the top two or three positions at the U.S. box office for all of August. The film is drawing repeat viewing from fans and is on pace to become the highest grossing movie of the year so far at the U.S. box office.

Let's Be Cops took third place at the U.S. box office, bringing in $17.7 million. Considering that Let's Be Cops only had a $17 million production budget, Fox has to be pleased with how it performed.

The Expendables 3 fell to a disappointing fourth place at the U.S box office. Whether it was hurt by an online leak of the film or the change to a PG-13 rating, the film only mustered a $16.2 million opening weekend.

The Giver rounded out the top five with a $12.76 million opening weekend at the U.S. box office.