Captain America: The Winter Soldier Featurette Sees Black Widow Take Center Stage

In a new featurette from Captain America: The Winter Soldier, the film's stars take a look at [...]


In a new featurette from Captain America: The Winter Soldier, the film's stars take a look at Black Widow, the role she has to play in the film and her connection to Captain America. At the start of the film, star Scarlett Johansson explains, Natasha and Steve Rogers have been paired on a number of missions and they've built up a rapport. Still, her co-star Chris Evans says, they're very different people and it's hard to know when Nathasha, who lies for a living, is being totally honest. In the clip attached, the pair seem to have been sent to the same place -- each for a different mission suited to their personality and skillset -- and Cap wasn't notified until he confronts Widow with "Our mission is to save hostages" and she says, "No, that's your mission." The relationship between the two seems to inform much of the film's conflict, which Evans has in past interviews described as the difficulty of Cap being a symbol of America, when the country itself has changed so much in the sixty-odd years he was asleep between films. With recent news of Johansson's pregnancy moving up filming for her character in Avengers: Age of Ultron and rumblings about a solo film down the line, the relationship between the pair is likely one that we'll be talking about a lot over the next year and change, at least until Phase Two wraps up and Avengers: Age of Ultron is in theaters. Captain America: The Winter Soldier stars Evans, Johansson, Samuel L. Jackson, Sebastian Stan and Howard Mackie. It's in theaters on April 4 in the U.S. and as early as March 26 in parts of Europe. You can check it out below, courtesy Entertainment Tonight.