Darth Vader & Luke Skywalker Rivalry Tops Batman & Joker Rivalry

What's the greatest rivalry in the world of movies? According to a new poll conducted by LoveFilm, [...]

Darth Vader & Luke Skywalker

What's the greatest rivalry in the world of movies? According to a new poll conducted by LoveFilm, Darth Vader and Luke Skywalker are the most memorable film rivalry. LoveFilm took a most memorable film rivalries poll of 1,100 film fans, and Darth Vader's rivalry with Luke Skywalker received 22% of the total vote. Harry Potter and his arch nemesis Lord Voldermort finished in second place with 20% of the total vote, while Sherlock Holmes and Moriarty finished third with 10% of the total vote. The first superhero and supervillain pairing did not show up until the fourth spot in the poll. The Batman and The Joker rivalry received 8% of the vote for a fourth place finish.  The only other superhero and supervillain rivalry to make the top ten was Superman and Lex Luthor, who finished in seventh place with 6% of the total vote. Lovefilm editor Helen Crowley said, "The rivalry between the hero and the anti-hero is often what makes a film or TV show so compelling and in a lot of cases is one of the reasons we fall in love with the character in the first place. Batman wouldn't be what he is without the Joker and the same can be said of Luke Skywalker and Darth Vader – and we love to watch these power struggles play out."