Frank Miller Walked Out On Christopher Nolan's Batman Movies

In an interview with Playboy magazine, legendary comic book creator Frank Miller spoke a bit [...]

In an interview with Playboy magazine, legendary comic book creator Frank Miller spoke a bit about what it's like seeing superhero movies made based on stories he wrote.

Turns out, Miller isn't a fan, and regards even critically acclaimed adaptations like Christopher Nolan's The Dark Knight with the same amount of disregard as generally lambasted films like Daredevil and Elektra:

PLAYBOY: There's a consensus that Daredevil and Elektra, two movies adapted from comics you wrote, were lousy. Do you agree with that opinion?

MILLER: When people come out with movies about characters I've worked on, I always hate them. I have my own ideas about what the characters are like. I mean, I can't watch a Batman movie. I've seen pieces of them, but I generally think, No, that's not him. And I walk out of the theater before it's over.

PLAYBOY: Does that include the Christopher Nolan Batman movies?

MILLER: It includes all of them. I'm not condemning what he does. I don't even understand it, except that he seems to think he owns the title Dark Knight. [laughs] He's about 20 years too late for that. It's been used.

PLAYBOY: Nolan's last two Batman movies each grossed more than $1 billion worldwide. Does any of that money make its way to you?

MILLER: No. If money's owed me, I wouldn't put it on him or any other author. To be sitting here whining and mewling and puking about that sort of thing…let other people do that.

When Miller gets a bit territorial about The Dark Knight, it is, of course, in reference to his seminal graphic Batman graphic novel The Dark Knight Returns.

Miller's creator-owned work can, again, be seen on screen in Sin City: A Dame to Kill For, opening August 22.