Guardians of the Galaxy Director James Gunn Names Ten Key Films

It's likely you've seen a variation on this meme floating through social media: pick ten albums, [...]

It's likely you've seen a variation on this meme floating through social media: pick ten albums, movies, novels, etc., which have stuck with you and helped shape your enjoyment and understanding of the art form.

In many cases, they aren't actually your favorite pieces of art, per se, but the ones that resonate in your memory and your psyche.

Well, now that you and your friends have played it, Guardians of the Galaxy director James Gunn wants in. And even if it's just a silly Facebook poll, it's hard not to look at a list like this and try to figure out where each of these films fit into the makeup of someone who had made a film that resonates so strongly with such a large audience.

Here's Gunn, via Facebook:

Okay, so Kyle Newman challenged me to list 10 FILMS THAT LEFT A LASTING IMPRESSION. I'm guessing these aren't my favorite films, but movies that really stuck with me, for one reason or another - many of these films changed the course of my life, either personally or artistically. Off the top of my head, here they are -

In the Mood for Love
Night of the Living Dead
The Godfather
Once Upon a Time in the West
The Heroic Trio
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
Star Wars
The Wanderers
Sullivan's Travels
Monty Python and the Holy Grail

Now I challenge Sean Gunn, Stephen Blackehart, and David Yarovesky to come up with their lists of FILMS THAT LEFT A LASTING IMPRESSION.

This is, of course, NOT A COMPLETE LIST and in no particular order.

Guardians of the Galaxy was this week's #1 film at the U.S. box office -- the fourth time it's done that.