Iron Man 3 Opening Weekend Box Office Projected As Second Biggest Ever

Back when most of the box office experts were predicting an astonishing $125 million opening [...]

Iron Man 3 box office

Back when most of the box office experts were predicting an astonishing $125 million opening weekend box office for Iron Man 3, went on record predicting the film would do way better than that forecast. At the time, the 2013 box office was off to a sluggish start in the U.S., so our prediction that Iron Man 3 would have an opening weekend in the $160 to $175 million range seemed pretty outrageous. However, it looks like our prediction was right on target. According to Deadline, Iron  Man 3 is projected to finish with an opening weekend of between $171 to $175 million at the U.S. box office. If these numbers hold up, then Iron Man 3 will have the second biggest opening weekend in the history of the U.S. box office, trailing only last year's The Avengers. On Friday, Iron Man 3 got off to a strong start with $68.3 million. As a movie that appeals very strongly to families, Iron Man 3 did not see much of a decline on Saturday, raking in $64 million at the box office.