Jimmy Kimmel Declares Leaked 'Avengers: Endgame' Footage Is a National Emergency That the President Needs to Do Something About

Late night host and Disney employee Jimmy Kimmel says that four and a half minutes of leaked [...]

Late night host and Disney employee Jimmy Kimmel says that four and a half minutes of leaked footage from the forthcoming Avengers: Endgame qualifies as a national emergency that U.S. President Donald Trump should look into. Kimmel was obviously joking, and likely playing on the President's controversial declaration of a state of emergency back in March to redirect funding from other programs to a proposed wall on the U.S./Mexico border, a signature promise of Trump's election campaign for which he has been unable to secure funding through traditional channels. Still, it works nicely for Disney that they can turn a liability like the leak of footage from their massive blockbuster to provide fodder for their own late night talk show.

During Wednesday night's Jimmy Kimmel Live, Kimmel joked, "Hey, this is a national emergency that the President needs to do something about. Have you seen the leaked Avengers footage? Avengers: Endgame doesn't come out until a week from Friday, but apparently footage from the movie is making the rounds online. And the footage has spoilers in it, so the Russo brothers, who direct the film, are going directly to fans asking them to respect their visions for the films. They point out if they wanted the movie spoiled, they would have put Matt Damon in it. They could have done it. I haven't watched it. I don't want to ruin it. But my question about the Avengers in the Marvel Universe is 'Do the Olympics exist and if so why aren't you guys dominating those events?' If I was Spider-Man, I would also be on the Lakers. That's how I look at it. Anyway, please don't spoil Avengers: Endgame and also I haven't seen The Sixth Sense yet so keep that one under your hat too as a favor to me."

The Sixth Sense joke calls back to a 20-year-old movie known primarily for its shocking twist ending. That film, too, was distributed by Disney's Buena Vista Pictures at the time.

Avengers: Endgame will be in theaters on April 26.


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