Joseph Gordon-Levitt's 7500 Trailer Released

The battle for streaming supremacy is well underway, with ever service doing their best to debut [...]

The battle for streaming supremacy is well underway, with ever service doing their best to debut exclusive shows, films, and other projects to make their service the destination of choice. The latest project in the mix is a new film starring Joseph Gordon-Levitt titled 7500, and now we have our first look at the project with the new trailer. As you can see in the trailer above, the film gets its name from the emergency code that is used by pilots when an aircraft has been hijacked, and Gordon-Levitt plays one of the plane's pilots suddenly confronted with this harrowing situation. He can't open the door, but he also can't just stand by and watch people get hurt, and you can check out the tense first trailer above.

The film looks incredibly tense, and it seems much of the film will focus on Tobias as he attempts to land the plane and keep the passengers safe from the cockpit. That said, it seems something happens to change that at some point, as the last scene in the trailer shows someone holding a shard of glass to his neck.

That means either someone got into the cockpit or perhaps he was betrayed by someone on the crew who had access, but we'll have to wait and see.

7500 stars Joseph Gordon-Levitt (Tobias Ellis), Omid Memar (Vedat), Passar Hariky (Kalkan), Hicham Sebiai (Hopper), Paul Wollin (Daniel), Murathan Muslu (Kenan), Aurelie Thepaut (Nathalie), Aylin Tezel (Gokce), Cornel Nussbaum (Peter), and Carlo Kitzlinger (Michael Lutzmann), and you can check out the official description below.

"It looks like a routine day at work for Tobias, a soft-spoken young American co-pilot on a flight from Berlin to Paris as he runs through the preflight checklist with Michael, the pilot, and chats with Gökce, his flight-attendant girlfriend. But shortly after takeoff, terrorists armed with makeshift knives suddenly storm the cockpit, seriously wounding Michael and slashing Tobias' arm. Temporarily managing to fend off the attackers, a terrified Tobias contacts ground control to plan an emergency landing. But when the hijackers kill a passenger and threaten to murder more innocent people if he doesn't let them back into the cockpit, this ordinary man faces an excruciating test."

7500 hits Prime Video on June 19th.

What did you think of the trailer? Let us know in the comments!