Kevin Smith Shares Photo of Someone Cosplaying as Heart Attack Kevin Smith

Leave it to Kevin Smith to not only find the humor in a near-death experience but celebrate it [...]

Leave it to Kevin Smith to not only find the humor in a near-death experience but celebrate it when others do the same at his expense.

The filmmaker shocked fans earlier this week when he posted a photo of himself in the hospital and revealed that he had suffered a near-fatal heart attack, but now that he's home and on the mend, Smith shared another image on social media: one of someone cosplaying as Heart Attack Kevin Smith.

"Timing is everything," Smith wrote. "And the timing on this grim l'il cosplay... is impeccable. Widow-Breaker Bob, complete with cholesterol-killin' stent!"

The tweet Smith retweeted is actually someone sharing a photo of the "grim l'il cosplay" that they found on Facebook and while some were bothered by the idea of someone cosplaying Smith's near-death experience, Smith himself appears to have found it funny as the cosplayer opted to cosplay Kevin Smith as his iconic Silent Bob character having the heart attack.

Smith has been sharing quite a bit of humor about his life-altering experience since being hospitalized at the Glendale Adventist Hospital after having had a major heart attack following one of two of his stand-up comedy shows on Sunday night. Smith told fans in a Facebook Live post on Tuesday that at the time, he didn't realize he was even having a heart attack.

"I never in a million years thought it was a heart attack," Smith said. "I didn't piece together I was having a heart attack even though my chest was heavy and even though my father died at the age of 67 of massive heart attack. Even though my mother has heart problems. I never in a million years thought it was a heart attack."

And while Smith is amused by the cosplay of his medical emergency as well as the Disney Channel jokingly sending him get well cookies addressed to Kevin James, he hasn't let the seriousness of his experience be ignored either. Smith revealed that he's become a vegetarian in the wake of his heart attack and told The Ralph Report that he now feels like he's on borrowed time.

"I don't want to say I feel like a dead man walking, but I do feel like I'm not supposed to be here anymore, and it doesn't make me want to leave, but it makes me appreciate how ... like, all right, let's do everything," Smith said. "I was supposed to be dead in that room, no doubt."