EXCLUSIVE: Deadpool's Ryan Reynolds Would Like To See A Cable Led X-Force Movie

It was Deadpool-mania this year at San Diego Comic Con 2015 and ever since fans in attendance [...]

It was Deadpool-mania this year at San Diego Comic Con 2015 and ever since fans in attendance got their first glimpse at the Merc With a Mouth in action, the Internet hasn't stopped buzzing. In addition to seeing Deadpool in action for the first time in footage to be released in just a few weeks, fans were also treated to the rest of the cast including Negasonic Teenage Warhead (Brianna Hildebrand), Weasel (T.J. Miller), Colossus (Andre Tricoteux) and more.

Comicbook.com had the chance to sit down with Ryan Reynolds & T.J. Miller, so we asked them if they had the chance to mingle with other characters in the Fox Cinematic Universe, who they would choose and why. After a fun joke or two, Reynolds dropped a mention of his desire to have Deadpool team up with a fan favorite partner (and Rob Liefeld creation).


T.J. Miller: Oh god - really anyone from DC Comics.

Reynolds: Spawn too.


Reynolds: I mean who wouldn't want to spend more time with Wolverine? Hugh and I have such history together. I can't imagine it'd ever happen in a stand-alone film, but if there was the right place and right time - wouldn't it be great?

I'd also love to see X-Force develop too and turn into something pretty cool.

Do you see Deadpool leading an X-Force team?

Reynolds: I always see Deadpool running against the grain for everything he does. He can't possibly conform to any sort of leadership role. He always has to be the wild card. So you'd have to have someone like Cable running point on a team like X-Force. I'd love for that to be a next step that we take.

Stay tuned to ComicBook.com for more of our chat with Reynolds and the rest of the Deadpool cast over the next few days as we recover from San Diego Comic Con.

Did you miss out on all the big news coming out of Comic Con? Catch up with our coverage right here!

Deadpool hits theaters on Feb. 12, 2016. You can check out every other upcoming Marvel movie on ComicBook.com's Comic Book Movie Release Schedule!