Suicide Squad's Jai Courtney On Captain Boomerang's Costume, The Flash Movie

While Captain Boomerang might be squaring off against The Flash and Arrow on the small screen, [...]


While Captain Boomerang might be squaring off against The Flash and Arrow on the small screen, big-screen Boomerang Jai Courtney hasn't heard anything yet about the possibility of his character moving over from Suicide Squad into The Flash when that character's movie comes along in a few years, he told IGN.

"I'm not withholding anything, but that is a dialogue that hasn't been opened yet," said the Insurgent and Terminator: Genisys star during an interview released this week.

With regard to Suicide Squad itself, he said that he hasn't worn the "real" Captain Boomerang costume yet -- that it's still being developed, but that he's anxious to get to work with director David Ayer.

"I've had a few fittings, but the costume is in development as we speak. It's not going to look like anything that's been done before, and I think this whole world will look a lot different than anything else," Courtney said. "David Ayer is developing a great voice, and it's interesting to see his first foray into this type of genre, where he isn't grounded in reality. The biggest draw to this project was being able to work with him. I talked to a lot of the guys who were in Fury and his process just fascinated me. He sounds like a demanding director but he'll always be there for his cast if they're putting in the work for him. I've been training since before Christmas for the role and I'm really looking forward to it. We've been meeting to go over fighting and weapon work. Seeing the cast in Toronto in a couple of weeks will be really cool."

Ayer will direct the film, which stars Jared Leto as The Joker, Margot Robbie as Harley Quinn, Will Smith as Deadshot, Courtney as Boomerang, Joel Kinnaman as Rick Flag, Hernandez as (we assume) El Diablo, and Cara Delevingne as Enchantress. Viola Davis will play Amanda Waller. Ed Harris, Jackie Earle Haley and Joe Manganiello are rumored to appear as well.

Suicide Squad is expected to start shooting this month for a release on August 5, 2016.