How 'Tomb Raider' Sets up a Sequel

The Tomb Raider reboot film doesn't just relaunch the character of Lara Croft and here story in [...]

The Tomb Raider reboot film doesn't just relaunch the character of Lara Croft and here story in new context, it also follows in the footsteps of so many superhero movies by using its storyline to open up a much wider world of characters and events to come.

You can check out our Tomb Raider official review for a spoiler-free breakdown of the film's events (and whether or not they're worth watching). If you want to know how Tomb Raider positions itself for future sequels, then just read on below!


Rise of the Tomb Raider

Tomb Raider 2 Movie Alicia Vikander

At the end of Tomb Raider, Lara Croft (Alicia Vikander) escapes the island of Yamati, ending the ancient curse of Japanese death goddess, Himiko. When Lara gets back to England, the knowledge of her father's death finally allows Lara to sign his death certificate, making her sole inheritor of Croft Manner, and her family's business. When Lara returns to her father's secret tomb raiding bunker, she makes a dark discovery: her longtime family friend, Ana Miller (Kristin Scott Thomas), is actually an agent of Trinity, the mysterious organization that tried to raid Himiko's tomb, and killed Lara's father.

All of a sudden, Lara has all the vigor she needs to continue her father's research, as she now has enemies all around her, competing for rare artifacts of power all over the world. There's just one more thing Lara needs to go full Tomb Raider: her signature guns! Found out how she gets them, HERE.

Tomb Raider opens in theaters on March 16th. It is 1 hour 58 mins long, and is Rated PG-13 for sequences of violence and action, and for some language. Let us know what you thought about the film in the comments!