Warner Bros. Has 9 Other DC Comics Movies Besides Batman Vs. Superman & Justice League In Development

Besides Batman vs. Superman and the recently announced Justice League, Warner Bros. has an [...]

DC Comics Movies

Besides Batman vs. Superman and the recently announced Justice League, Warner Bros. has an additional nine movies in development based on DC Comics properties, according to a report from the Wall Street Journal. The report says:

Warner has now entrusted its core superheroes to "Man of Steel" director Zack Snyder, who will helm "Superman vs. Batman" and then "Justice League." It also has nine other movies based on DC comics in development.

An earlier report from the Wall Street Journal already named Shazam, Metal Men, 100 Bullets, and Fables as films currently in the works at Warner Bros, so that's four of the nine. The same article also noted that a solo Wonder Woman film was not in the works. So what are the other films that Warner Bros. is working on? One is almost certainly The Sandman, which is being spearheaded by Joseph Gordon-Levitt. The others are harder to judge. Older Vertigo Comics properties are either already mentioned or in development as television shows elsewhere – Preacher, DMZ and Scalped, for example. It could be a more recent Veritgo title, like American Vampire or The Wake, though the time-hopping nature of those books would seem to make them a better fit for television than film. Warner Bros. does seem to be making a point of keeping Justice League separate from other superhero properties. There's been rumors that a Justice League Dark series was in the works. It would probably require a name change to keep from brand confusion, but the idea is possible. A Lobo movie has long been rumored, though last we heard it was put on the shelf. It's hard to nail down what films are in the works at the moment, but I think it's safe to say that solo films based on other Justice League characters will be put on hold until after Justice League. If Wonder Woman isn't being planned, than it seems likely that the studio will use Justice League as a testing ground to see which of those characters are popular enough to carry their own film before pushing forward with any other solo movies.