Whoopi Goldberg Reveals Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Clip With Megan Fox

Whoopi Goldberg was a guest on last night’s episode of The Tonight Show, where she debuted a new [...]

Whoopi Goldberg was a guest on last night's episode of The Tonight Show, where she debuted a new clip from the upcoming Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles movie.

The show's star Megan Fox, as April O'Neil, trying to explain the existence of four oversized, karate-practicing, vigilante turtles to her boss, played by Goldberg

Goldberg told host Jimmy Fallon that she has been wanting to be a part of a Turtles film for a long time.

"I have wanted to be in a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles movie since my kid was little," Goldberg said, "because she loved the Mutant Ninja Turltes. She's quite older now, but my grandkids, they always wanted me to be in the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, and now they're old."

When Fallon jokingly asked if Goldberg played one of the Turtles in the movie, Goldberg revealed that she was quite taken with the heroes.

"I wish.," she replied. "I wanted to have an affair with one of the turtles…these are the buffest turtles you've ever seen."

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles comes to theaters August 8.