Wolverine To Have Large Role In X-Men: Days Of Future Past

With a lot of actors set to have parts in the X-Men: Days Of Future Past movie by director Bryan [...]

The Wolverine Poster

With a lot of actors set to have parts in the X-Men: Days Of Future Past movie by director Bryan Singer, it's been unclear as to what actors will have a major role in the movie. Since the movie is based on a popular comic book storyline, one could guess at what characters would be featured in the movie, but movies don't always follow comic book storylines exactly. If a particular actor had other projects keeping him busy, it's always possible his character's role would be reduced for the movie. Of course, Wolverine played a large role in the comic book storyline, and Hugh Jackman has now confirmed that will be the case for the X-Men Days Of Future Past movie as well. In an interview with the Hollywood Reporter, Hugh Jackman said, "I first heard about it around October or November [2012]. I was literally finishing The Wolverine and dreaming about lasagna, and about three weeks before the end, they told me. There was no way I was not going to be part of that." The Hollywood Reporter also notes that Hugh Jackman's role for X-Men; Days Of Future past is large and reunites him with many of the original cast. Jackman has seen an eight page synopsis of the movie, but he hasn't read a finished screenplay yet. X-Men Days of Future Past is set to be released in movie theaters on July 18, 2014. As part of preparing for X-Men: Days Of Future Past, Hugh Jackman is consuming vats of food for eight hours straight, then starving himself without any food for sixteen hours. The process helps his body learn how to burn fat quickly.