Avengers 2: Whedon Confirms Quicksilver, Scarlet Witch, And Iron Man

While Joss Whedon had previously revealed that a brother/sister act would be joining The Avengers, [...]

Quicksilver & Scarlet Witch Avengers 2

While Joss Whedon had previously revealed that a brother/sister act would be joining The Avengers, he has now confirmed that Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch are the characters to which he was referring. In an interview with IGN, Joss Whedon said, "You know, they had a rough beginning. They're interesting to me because they sort of represent the part of the world that wouldn't necessarily agree with The Avengers. So they're not there to make things easier. I'm not putting any characters in the movie that will make things easier." While rumors have been circulating online about which cast members will and will not be returning for Avengers 2, Whedon also confirmed that Iron Man was a part of the script. Even though we're assuming most of the readers of this site have seen Iron Man 3 by now, we should warn that Whedon's answer contains a spoiler about the Iron Man 3 ending. When asked if the fact that Tony Stark blew up all his armor at the end of Iron Man 3 might make it difficult to include him in Avengers 2, Whedon said, "Well, I feel like in Iron Man 3, even though he said, 'I've changed' -- he blew up his remote suits, but I don't think anybody thinks he doesn't have one anymore. The question is, if The Avengers are called, does he show up? And the answer is, 'Yes!'" While Whedon's answer could likely be affected by the outcome of Robert Downey Jr.'s contract negotiations, it's promising that Whedon at least appears to be confident that a deal is going to get done.