Yesterday’s tenth issue of Dan Jurgens and Aaron Lopresti’s Justice League International was a plot-heavy, villain-filled extravaganza that saw the JLI facing off against The Burners, a group of villains that we’ve already seen in action but never all together at one time.Like last arc, when they faced off against Peraxxus, the team has been experiencing some growing pains and having a little trouble figuring out how to work together as a unit, but when it comes down the actual back-to-the-wall action scene, they acquitted themselves pretty well–mostly.With Guy and Booster leading the charge, the villains had as much trouble working together as the heroes did and it took most of an issue before Intersek, who can disrupt communications networks and therefore more or less shut down any electronics, figured out a way to even the playing field a bit and set up the big cliffhanger for next month.Jurgens joined us to talk about the issue; remember that as always, this is intended as a kind of commentary track of companion piece to the issue and contains spoilers.It’s been uncommon for characters–even the ones who you obviously enjoy writing–to get more than a couple of pages of narration if they aren’t Booster or Batman. What made you decide to go with August General as the POV character for this issue?As we’re moving through the current story, each member of the JLI will get a chance to be the POV character. It’s a nice device that allows us to get inside the head of the team’s members. It can be a bit more revealing than having the same character do it all the time.I
Dan Jurgens on Batman, Booster Gold and the Justice League International vs. The Burners
Yesterday’s tenth issue of Dan Jurgens and Aaron Lopresti’s Justice League International was a […]