Batman V Superman: Who Is the Figure In The "Communion" Deleted Scene?

Earlier today, the first deleted scene from Zack Snyder's Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice hit [...]


Earlier today, the first deleted scene from Zack Snyder's Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice hit the Web, with fans immediately recognizing Mother Boxes -- items being seemingly created or destroyed (hard to tell given the Kryptonian "sand drawing" technology) by a horned, demonic-looking villain.

The Internet lit up with speculation about how this all ties into both Batman V Superman, and the forthcoming Justice League films.

So...who is the villain in that mysterious deleted scene? Basically two names came to mind.

Steppenwolf DCAU 001

The first choice -- and the one many pundits immediately went with -- is Steppenwolf.

An uncle to Darkseid, Steppenwolf is one of the despot's most trusted lieutenants. He's been killed and resurrected more than once, the first and most notable time after he assassinated the wife of Izaya, the Highfather of New Genesis and Darkseid's opposite number.

Steppenwolf's sister, Heggra, was Darkseid's mother, until she was killed by her husband.

Steppenwolf is generally depicted as the great military mind behind Darkseid's forces.


Second -- and less commonly-guessed, but seemingly more fitting with the aesthetic of the character in the deleted scenes -- is Yuga Khan.

Less recognizable than Steppenwolf, since he's used more rarely in the comics, Yuga Khan was Darkseid's father, and the most powerful New God. He was able to travel between universes and manipulate The Source -- the power which flows through Mother Boxes and Boom Tubes -- directly.

His obsession with The Source was his downfall, though. Every time he tried to penetrate the Source Wall -- a gargantuan barrier surrounding the known universe -- he was trapped inside of the wall.

So...which one is it in the image appearing to Lex Luthor? If I had to put money down, I'd say Yuga Khan. He's lesser-known, so you can do more with him without violating canon, but at the same time he's an incredibly dangerous threat. Also, with telepathy, telekinesis, control of the Source and image projection powers, he could theoretically control -- or at least appear to control -- Superman, as seen in the Knightmare sequences.

It would also be an effective way of setting up the better-known Darkseid as a villain for Justice League Part Two, and use that to revisit the theme of fathers and sons that has proven to be so important throughout Snyder's DC Comics movies.

And even if it isn't he, but Darkseid, who is coming -- it would still make sense that Khan appeared in Kryptonian history texts.

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Batman v. Superman: Dawn of Justice is now playing in theaters.