Big Captain America Announcement: Is It The Captain America 3 Subtitle?

Pretty much everyone was expecting the Captain America 3 subtitle to be announced at 2014 San [...]

Captain America 3 Subtitle

Pretty much everyone was expecting the Captain America 3 subtitle to be announced at 2014 San Diego Comic-Con, because Captain America 3 is the next Marvel Studios sequel after Avengers: Age of Ultron. However, the subtitle didn't get announced at Comic-Con for whatever reason.

In an August interview with, Captain America 3 co-director Anthony Russ has this to say about the subtitle announcement.

"It will be soon," said Russo. "Look, sometimes the announcement waits on certain business deals to be completed so we're just kind of waiting on the business end of the issue to sort of settle itself and we'll be ready to announce it. But we're hoping in a month or so at the most."

On Monday, the official Captain America twitter account teased, "Big announcement tomorrow in honor of #CaptainAmerica #WinterSoldier coming to Blu-ray - stay tuned! #SHIELDvsHydra"

With most of the major casting already in place for Captain America 3, the only really big announcement that springs to mind is the subtitle. It's an announcement that everyone in the press would report, which would help bring attention to the Captain America: The Winter Soldier blu-ray release.

So what do you think the Captain America 3 subtitle will be?