Blink Returning In X-Men Regenesis

X-Men Regenesis is bringing about the return of a fan favorite mutant. Blink will drag Dani [...]

New Mutant 34 Cover

X-Men Regenesis is bringing about the return of a fan favorite mutant. Blink will drag Dani Moonstar and her team of New Mutants into the middle of X-Men Regenesis. Blinks return will be in New Mutants #34. New Mutants #34 is written by Dan Abnett & Andy Lanning with artwork by David Lopez. Here's Marvel Comics description of the issue, "Cyclops gives the New Mutants no time to rest as he sends them on a wild goose chase across the Marvel Universe. What has Blink done to require immediate extraction and is she to blame?" New Mutants #34 will be arriving in comic book stores on November 23, 201l. However, you can check out four preview pages from the issue below.

New Mutants #34 Preview 1New Mutants #34 Preview 2New Mutants #34 Preview 3New Mutants #34 Preview 4