Cards Against Humanity Hiring New Writers

, aspiring card writers who think they have what it takes are encouraged to apply to the game's [...]

cards against humanity
(Photo: Cards Against Humanity)

Cards Against Humanity, the so-called "party game for horrible people", is looking for one of those people to help them write some new cards for the hilarious and often inappropriate card game.

Per the official Cards Against Humanity website (via ABC 7), aspiring card writers who think they have what it takes are encouraged to apply to the game's pool of remote card contributors. The pay for the work is pretty solid -- a sweet, $40 per hour, though the application does indicate that the frequency of work is "sometimes", so you probably won't be able to make card writing your full-time gig.

To apply, all you need to do is submit your best fifteen white card and five best black cards, but if that sounds daunting don't worry; the application has some handy examples of classic card pairings as well as tips on how to construct a solid card. The application advises where the "blank" should appear on the black cards as well as that white cards are "sharp, punchy cards that show and don't tell".

First released in 2011 following a successful Kickstarter campaign, the game is comprised of a base deck of black and white cards with a number of expansion sets that can be purchased to afford players further and potentially more politically incorrect cards. The somewhat unconventional search for new card writers is just the latest in interesting things the makers of Cards Against Humanity has done.

The company is known for its odd Black Friday promotions -- including one in 2016 where the game and expansions were removed from the online store and replaced by boxes containing sterilized bull feces appropriately named "Bullsh*t". The game has also made headlines for non-game related activities as well, including a campaign from the called Cards Against Humanity Saves America in which the creators purchased vacant land along the U.S.-Mexico border in order to disrupt plans to build a border wall.

As for card-writing hopefuls, you can check out the application on the game's website here, but there are a couple of things you might want to keep in mind. The application strongly encourages "applicants from historically marginalized communities to apply, particularly people of color, immigrants, and members of the LGBTQ+ community." They're also "looking for hot single dads". Submissions are due by August 31.

Are you going to apply to write cards for Cards Against Humanity? Let us know in the comments below!