Constantine: Five Predictions For the Rest of the Season

'Tis the season to think about angels...and so we'd be remiss leaving ol' John Constantine and his [...]


'Tis the season to think about angels...and so we'd be remiss leaving ol' John Constantine and his buddy Manny off that list.

Of course, NBC's Constantine, which returns in January with new episodes before going off the air with an as-yet-undetermined future, will be absent from the air until then. So...what's to celebrate?

How about taking a look forward at what's (probably) coming soon?

There are, of course, both real and potential spoilers ahead.

More of the Newcastle crew

There will be more members of the Newcastle crew showing up soon, including probably an appearance from the apparition of Gaz.

Who won't we see? Well, apparently Judith, who was scheduled for the series' fourteenth episode after NBC bought four additional scripts and then opted not to produce them this season.

"[Episode] Fourteen was Judith," showrunner Daniel Cerone told us. "I wrote that script, we were meeting Judith. I did a totalHack/Slash take on her, which was so much fun. She had sort of reinvented herself after Newcastle going after..." He hesitated, apparently not wanting to give too much away, and simply said, "it was Hack/Slash inspired. Fifteen was a whole Chinatown kind of episode and then Sixteen was Terry Thirteen. We have those scripts written and they will see the light of day eventually."


Could we see The Spectre?

During that same interview, Cerone told us that they set up a new status quo for one of their characters that will excite viewers in Episode 13.

Could that be Jim Corrigan getting killed and then rising again as The Spectre? We know that the season finale (Episode 13) will deal with Papa Midnite and Jim Corrigan...!


Some DC Universe mythology

Not only have they been building to characters like Felix Faust and Doctor Thirteen...but shortly after the midseason finale, one of the show's designers shared the photo above, challenging fans to find as many DC Easter eggs as they could.

There are... a lot of them.

And last week, we saw a close-up of the Medusa Mask. Who's to say one or more of these props won't come into play soon?


Poor Anne-Marie is probably screwed

Remember: people who hang out around John Constantine tend not to survive. He's told us that a bunch. And while she may have betrayed him and left him for the invunche...but she's at heart a good person tortured by her contribution to John's crimes.

And those invunches played a key role in her death in the comics which are clearly being adapted in the midseason finale and midseason premiere.

Things will get darker

We're getting to the point -- more smoking, more deaths and a huge-scale big bad -- where the show is startingto live up to the potential offered by the premise.

Expect that to continue. Everyone involved with the show loves Hellblazer and wants to see it come to life. They're going to go as dark as NBC will let them.