Guardians Of The Galaxy: Attaching Star-Lord's Gun Holsters Took About Nine People

Oscar-winning costume designer Alexandra Byrne has worked on several Marvel Studios films, [...]

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Oscar-winning costume designer Alexandra Byrne has worked on several Marvel Studios films, including The Avengers and Thor: The Dark World, designing superhero costumes for their colorful casts of characters.

More recently, she designed costumes for Guardians of the Galaxy. In an interview with Fashionista, Byrne recalls how taxing a task it was to get Star-Lords gun holsters into his pants, requiring up to nine people from multiple departments.

"That involved a prop department making the holsters, the holsters attaching to the trousers, how the trousers behaved when he bent down," she explains. "So we couldn't really design the sides of the trousers until the guns were designed, to know how big [the guns] were going to be. Sometimes it's a long process and a lot of communication to get just a small element of costume to work."

If you're interested in the visual design elements of superhero movies, Byrne's entire interview – where she goes into how she designed Mockingbird's look for Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.and more – is worth a read through.

Star-Lord and the rest of team will return for Guardians of the Galaxy 2, opening May 5, 2017.