IDOLIZED Launches Contest Where Winner Gets Drawn Into Comic Book

Earlier today, we posted the first part of our interview with David B. Schwartz, who is the [...]

Idolized Superhero contest

Earlier today, we posted the first part of our interview with David B. Schwartz, who is the creator behind an exciting new series from Aspen Comics called IDOLIZED. The comic series ties into reality TV both in the storyline, as well as in some of the marketing promotions being launched by Aspen Comics. The big news is that Aspen Comics announced today a contest where a fan will get the opportunity to actually be drawn into IDOLIZED as one of the superheroes competing on "Superhero Idol". Keep reading the final part of our interview with Schwartz for more details on the contest. Is there anything else that you would like to tell comic book fans about Idolized? David B. Schwartz: Two things. First, that our artist, Micah Gunnell, is doing truly incredible work on this series.  Each page he turns in is more gorgeous than the last.  Even if I completely drop the ball on the writing, the series is gonna be worth checking out just for Micah's art alone. Second, for IDOLIZED we really wanted to find ways to allow readers to interact with and participate in the creation of the series.  First, we had the character design voting a couple of months ago.  Now, starting today, we've got a contest where fans can actually win the chance to be a character in IDOLIZED.  The winner gets to be one of the superheroes auditioning to win the coveted title of "Superhero Idol". We're inviting fans to simply tell us what super-powers they would have if they were a superhero, and why.  The entries can be purely text, or can include drawings and/or photos of the entrant as the super-hero they'd dream of being.  Entries just need to be posted on and/or tweeted with the hash-tag "Idolized".

Idolized Win A Spot As A Superhero

Aspen will choose their five favorite entries, and the public will then have the chance to vote among those five finalists to choose the ultimate winner.  That winner will be drawn into issue #2 of IDOLIZED, and their name and likeness will appear in multiple panels as they join in a large-scale superhero battle. And, as if actually being a superhero in a comic book wasn't enough, the winner will also receive a page of original art that they appear in, and all five of the finalists will receive copies of each issue of IDOLIZED, signed by me and Micah. I think it's going to be a lot of fun, and I'm looking forward to seeing what kind of truly creative entries folks come up with! Well, again, thanks so much for allowing me to tell your readers about IDOLIZED.  It's been great, and I look forward to chatting again soon!

Idolized Become A Supehero

Fans can enter the contest any time between now and February 13, and there's no limit on the number of entries. The full rules for the contest will be available at in the IDOLIZED section.