Iron Fist: The Living Weapon Coming In April

Following up on the 'Weapon' teaser released yesterday, the LA Times Hero Complex blog is [...]

Iron Fist: The Living Weapon

Following up on the "Weapon" teaser released yesterday, the LA Times Hero Complex blog is reporting that Marvel Comics will be launching Iron Fist: The Living Weapon, a new ongoing series featuring Danny Rand, in April. The series will be written and drawn by Kaare Andrews (Spider-Man: Reign). The series is meant to set the stage for the upcoming Iron Fist television series coming to Netflix as part of their new Defenders universe. Andrews called the series a "a bloody, revenge-fueled martial arts epic," and explained that the series would feel more like a movie than a television show.

"I think the Netflix show is going to be an amazing serialized television experience," the writer-artist said in a phone interview. "But if anything, I'm creating the feature experience of Iron Fist. There is just no way the scale of my story would fit into those budgets."

The series will be a solo outing for both the character and the creator. Iron Fist will be traveling back to the Eastern world, out of contact with the Avengers and his frequent partner, Luke Cage. Its there, Andrews promises, that the past will catch up with Iron Fist. For Andrews' part, he's creating the entire package: writing, penciling, inking and coloring the series, as well as providing covers. Its rare to see such a singular vision produced in mainstream superhero comics, so it should be exciting to see how it comes together. Andrews previously provided several covers for Danny Rand's last ongoing series, The Immortal Iron Fist. Iron Fist: The Living Weapon #1 will be released in comic shops and digitally in April, 2014.

Iron Fist: The Living Weapon - DragonIron Fist: The Immortal Weapon - Ninjas