J.K. Rowling Says Donald Trump is Worse than Voldemort

Harry Potter writer and creator J.K. Rowling created a villain for the ages in the Dark Lord [...]


Harry Potter writer and creator J.K. Rowling created a villain for the ages in the Dark Lord Voldemort. The character was a self-righteous, entitled embodiment of pure evil. But he's got nothing on Donald Trump, says the writer.

When BBC News pointed out that after Trump's call to prevent any and all Muslims from entering the United States, social media users started calling him Voldemort, Rowling took exception.

"How horrible. Voldemort was nowhere near as bad," she wrote on Twitter Tuesday morning. The tweet, at press time, has over 60,000 retweets and likes.

It came as part of a series of political-oriented tweets from the writer, who also retweeted a map showing which of the hundreds of mass shootings in the U.S. had Muslim suspects (three of them), and a retweet from Amnesty UK.

Considering Trump wants to be the leader of the nation and had a show called "The Apprentice," maybe fans are gravitating toward the wrong Dark Lord. What do you think, Darth Sidious?