Jay Leno Calls Iron Man 3 One Of The Best 3D Movies He’s Ever Seen In 3D

When Gwyneth Paltrow paid a visit to the Tonight Show on Thursday night, Jay Leno revealed that he [...]

Gwyneth Paltrow & Jay Leno

When Gwyneth Paltrow paid a visit to the Tonight Show on Thursday night, Jay Leno revealed that he had already seen Iron Man 3. So what did the late night talk show host/comedian think of the movie? Before his talk with Paltrow, Jay Leno said, "It was a lot of fun. I saw it the other night. This is one of the best 3D movies I've ever seen in 3D." Later in the show, Jay Leno also reiterated to Paltrow, "Iron Man 3, I thought it as a lot of fun, and it's great. This is the best, normally I find 3D to be annoying, because it's [makes a forward motion with his hand]…but this it's not intrusive, and it really adds to the film." Iron Man 3 opens in movie theaters in the United States on May 3, 2013.