Kevin Smith Went To See Batman v Superman and An Actual Fight Broke Out

When Kevin Smith went to see Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice for the second time, the violence [...]


When Kevin Smith went to see Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice for the second time, the violence carried over off the big screen and into the actual theater.

"Last night, Jay Mewes [and I] went to see Batman v Superman (my 2nd time, his 1st)," Smith wrote in a facebook post. "After big brawl on screen, an actual fight broke out in the movie theater."

The fight apparently ended the screening, which Smith said was a shame, as he "was digging the movie more on a second viewing." Smith previously criticized the movie, saying that while it was big on spectacle, it "didn't really have a heart."

Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice is in theaters now. Hopefully Smith and Mewes get to watch the whole thing together soon.

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Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice is now playing in theaters.