Man Of Steel Private Screening Sells For $15,000

How much would you pay for a private screening of Man Of Steel with 100 of your friends in your [...]

Man Of Steel Private Screening

How much would you pay for a private screening of Man Of Steel with 100 of your friends in your hometown? Well, someone just paid $15,000 for just such an event. Of course, we should also add that the private screening takes place two days before the official June 14, 2013 release date for the film. Which means while someone is now $15,000 poorer, they and their friends will have the bragging rights of being the first to see Man Of Steel. The money is also going to a good cause. The Man Of Steel Private screening was offered as part of DC Entertainment's We Can Be Heroes campaign with the money going to fight the hunger crisis in the Horn of Africa. While $15,000 might seem like a lot for a private screening, it appears that DC Entertainment might not have set the price high enough. The Man Of Steel screening sold only a couple hours after it was officially announced earlier today on the We Can Be Heroes IndieGoGo page.