Mega Shark Battles Attack On Titan Knockoff In New Trailer

A new trailer released by the Asylum pits Mega Shark against an enemy that looks an awful lot like [...]

mega shark vs kolossus

A new trailer released by the Asylum pits Mega Shark against an enemy that looks an awful lot like the Colossal Titan from Attack on Titan.

In Mega Shark vs. Kolossus, in search of a new energy source, Russia accidentally reawakens the Kolossus - a giant robot doomsday device from the Cold War. At the same time, a new Mega Shark appears, threatening global security.

As ANN explains, the Japanese language title of the film allows the Asylum to skirt any copyright issues that might pop up from similarities to Attack on Titan. That's kind of their whole thing, in fact, with previous film releases including Atlantic Rim, Snakes on a Train, and Transmorphers.

Mega Shark vs. Kolossus releases on DVD June 7.