More From Jenna Coleman On Her Imminent Doctor Who Departure

In Doctor Who's modern era, Jenna Coleman will become by season's end the longest-serving [...]

In Doctor Who's modern era, Jenna Coleman will become by season's end the longest-serving companion of BBC's alien time traveller, ahead of Karen Gillan and Billie Piper. At some point this season, Coleman is leaving her Clara Oswald role behind her as she announced the news just over a week ago.

Coleman had wanted to be written off the show in the series eight finale, but she changed her mind and asked if she could be included in the Christmas special. The show's chief writer Steven Moffat wrote two versions of the episode. One, in which she dies and another in which she lived. Once again, Coleman chose life for The Impossible Girl.

While attending Salt Lake City Comic Con on Saturday, Coleman teased her departure, which she's already filmed. This season Clara will be more independent. "She's much more space bound, Coleman said (via sltrib). "The ties to Earth are being cut."

"Me and Stephen have been discussing for a while how to do it, and when to do it … and just tell a really good story," she added. "And I was really flexible about how to do that and when to do that, and … it's really, really cool."

Listen to Coleman's comments in the video below.

Doctor Who season 9 episode 3, "Under The Lake," will air the 3rd of October.