New Man Of Steel Trailer Has Been Confirmed

As reported previously on, we had been hearing that a new Man of Steel trailer would [...]

new Man of Steel trailer

As reported previously on, we had been hearing that a new Man of Steel trailer would arrive mid-April and likely be attached to Oblivion, which opens next week. Now, a new Man of Steel trailer has just been officially classified, which usually happens about a week or so before a trailer is released. The Manitoba Classification Film Board has classified Man Of Steel Trailer #4 as having a PG rating and a two minute running time (seconds are not listed). Some had been expecting a longer running time based on early trailer descriptions, but we're expecting what some people might have seen is the footage that will be released at next week's CinemaCon. We're expecting the CinemaCon footage will be more extensive than what gets released in the trailer. Update: the Alberta Film Ratings Board has now listed the Man Of Steel Trailer #4 at three minutes and five seconds, so it looks like fans will be getting a longer trailer after all. Man of Steel is scheduled to be released in theaters in the United States on June 14, 2013.