Oblivion Trailer Arrives Online Early

While the United States version of the first Oblivion trailer isn’t set to arrive online until [...]

Oblivion Poster

While the United States version of the first Oblivion trailer isn't set to arrive online until tomorrow, an international version of the first Oblivion trailer has already leaked out online. Of course, leaked might not be the right word as the trailer appears to be have been posted by an official Universal YouTube channel in Columbia. Regardless, we're assuming that the only difference between the United States version and the international version will be the subtitles on the international version, so we've embedded the sneak peek below. We have to say the trailer has us very intrigued, and this movie is definitely on our radar now, as one comic book and science fiction fans should enjoy. One thing that stands out in the trailer is there is a very Darth Vader-like creature that appears. Here is a brief description of the movie. "Oblivion sends a veteran soldier to a distant planet, where he is to destroy the remains of an alien race. The arrival of an unexpected traveler causes him to question what he knows about the planet, his mission, and himself." Oblivion is set to be released in IMAX on April 12, 2013 and in regular theaters on April 19, 2013.