Pokemon Go Beta Ends Next Week

Pokemon GO's beta test will end next week, fueling increased speculation that the game is almost [...]


Pokemon GO's beta test will end next week, fueling increased speculation that the game is almost ready for launch. Niantic Labs, the developers behind Pokemon GO, told beta testers in the United States and Japan that the beta will end on June 30th, indicating to many fans that the game is almost complete. Niantic also announced the five most caught Pokemon during the beta test were Rattata, Pidgey, Gastly, Abra and Meowth.

Niantic launched the beta tests in April and May, giving a select number of fans their first chance to try the highly anticipated "augmented reality" app. In Pokemon GO, players will be able to use their smart phones to catch and battle Pokemon in the real world. Players will need to travel throughout their towns to catch Pokemon and train them at local gyms, which are tied to various landmarks throughout the city. Although there are several key differences between Pokemon GO and one of the original Pokemon games, the new app represents a bold new direction for the Pokemon franchise.

Last week at E3, Nintendo announced the Pokemon Go Plus, a companion device for Pokemon GO, would be available for purchase in late July. By announcing Pokemon Go Plus, Nintendo hinted that Pokemon Go would also be available sometime in July.

Pokemon GO will be a free to play app available on iOS and Android devices.