Robert Downey Jr. Switches Sides In Captain America: Civil War for April Fools' Day

It took April Fool's day to make Tony Stark see the light.Wink wink... #aprilfoolsday [...]

Tony Stark Team Cap

It took April Fool's day to make Tony Stark see the light.

Captain America: Civil War actor Robert Downey Jr. posted an image on Twitter that stated "I stand with Team Cap", followed by a "Wink Wink...#aprilfoolsday." I know he included the wink wink, but my thinking is he knows he's wrong, and this is his subconscious trying to reach out to us for help. I can finally tell my high school psychology teacher her class came in handy.

The much anticipated Captain America: Civil War drops on May 6th.

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Batman v. Superman: Dawn of Justice is now playing in theaters.