Singer Hopes To Get Filmmakers' Attention For Her Jazz Cover of the Ghostbusters Theme

Los Angeles-based singer and vocal coach Dinah Steward has released an updated, jazz-infused take [...]


Los Angeles-based singer and vocal coach Dinah Steward has released an updated, jazz-infused take on Ray Parker, Jr.'s theme song to the original Ghostbusters, and hopes to get the attention of filmmaker Paul Feig and the team responsible for Sony's upcoming reboot.

Steward is hoping to get the attention of the people making the new movie, in part, because with Feig's all-female Ghostbusters team, she figures maybe the song should be sung by one as well.

Presumably, the idea would be that with an updated and gender-swapped version of the Ghostbusters theme, you could retain (a version of) the iconic theme, as well, rather than having to start from scratch.

So she is trying to get people to retweet a video link she sent Feig, Melissa McCarthy, Sigorney Weaver, and Annie Potts, in the hopes that if enough people ask them to listen, they will.

You can check out the video below and the tweet at the link above.

Ghostbusters wouldn't be the first movie to get this kind of attention; back when Green Lantern was in development, The Kirby Krackle's GL-centric song "Ring Capacity" was reportedly being considered as a potential song for the soundtrack.

The new Ghostbusters film is being directed by Paul Feig, stars Melissa McCarthy, Kristen Wiig, Kate McKinnon and Leslie Jones and is the vanguard of a new cinematic universe of films inspired by the 1980s supernatural comedy. The film is expected to hit theaters on July 15.