Star Wars: Felicity Jones Up For Spin-Off Movie Role

Felicity Jones is reportedly in talks for the leading female role in Disney’s Star Wars spin-off [...]

FelicityJones TheoryofEverything Oscar

Felicity Jones is reportedly in talks for the leading female role in Disney's Star Wars spin-off film.

Unconfirmed rumors state that after several readings and tests with Lucasfilm and Disney, the Academy Award-nominated actress is the studio's top choice. Other actresses who have been vying for the starring role include Rooney Mara and Tatiana Mislay, but it now looks like they've been passed in favor of Jones. Jones recently starred as Jane Hawking in The Theory of Everything, for which she earned an Academy Award nomination.

The standalone Star Wars spin-off, which will take place outside of the main Star Wars series that J.J. Abrams is reigniting with Star Wars: The Force Awakens, is currently being written by Chris Weitz. Breaking Bad star Aaron Paul and Edgar Ramirez are reportedly in consideration for the lead male role, The Hollywood Reporter notes.

The standalone Star Wars film, which is still untitled, hits theaters on December 16, 2016.