Tom Hiddleston Says Playing James Bond Would Be An Extraordinary Opportunity

From Loki to Hank Williams, there isn't a role Tom Hiddleston hasn't hit spot on. Now, he's eyeing [...]

Hiddleston Crimson Peak

From Loki to Hank Williams, there isn't a role Tom Hiddleston hasn't hit spot on. Now, he's eyeing the role of MI6 agent, James Bond. The British actor, like many, thinks the role of James Bond would be a fantastic opportunity and admits he is a "huge fan" of the franchise.

"I simply love the theme tune, the tropes and the mythology. I love the whole thing," Hiddleston says said, adding that he watched Spectre while shooting Skull Island in Hawaii. "If it ever came knocking, it would be an extraordinary opportunity. And I'm very aware of the physicality of the job. I would not take it lightly."

The actor has shown his range and charisma in a number of films recently. We've seen the manipulative, diabolical sides he has to offer in the Thor and Avengers movies, the southern twang he can bring to the table in I Saw The Light, and the charismatic, yet haunting traits he is capable of in Crimson Peak. The thought of Hiddleston throwing on a tux and ordering a shaken martini doesn't seem like much of a stretch at all.

With Daniel Craig rumored to be done with the franchise following Spectre, would you like to see Tom Hiddleston step in as James Bond?

source: The Sunday Times