Transformers: The Cinema Sins Video (You Knew It Was Coming)

'As far as I'm concerned, Optimus Prime's lips can go suck on the Batsuit's nipples,' says the [...]


"As far as I'm concerned, Optimus Prime's lips can go suck on the Batsuit's nipples," says the narrator of the popular Cinema Sins YouTube series regarding the Autobot leader suddenly having a visible mouth. It's one of the best observations about the many, many flaws in Michael Bay's Transformers--a movie that's very much on everyone's mind as Bay heads into filming #4 (in IMAX, with Stanley Tucci), planned to be his final installment as director. You can check out the video below--clocking in at over seven minutes long, it's one of (if not THE) most "sinful" movies I've yet seen in the series...