Two New Avengers Videos Hit in Advance of Tonight's Premiere

As the release of The Avengers draws ever nearer (the premiere is tonight, after all, and can be [...]

As the release of The Avengers draws ever nearer (the premiere is tonight, after all, and can be seen live right here at, more and more material is dropping from the studio every day. Yesterday, for example, we got a new TV spot--this one using a lot of previously-used footage including a substantial bit of Black Widow goodness from her earlier clip as well as some of the more buddy-buddy moments of introductions and combat from previous ads.

Today, MTV's SPlash Page has an exclusive video featuring Iron Man and Loki--it's basically just an expanded version of the "We've got a Hulk" scene that excited fans in an earlier trailer, but the site takes an exhaustive look at the scene, doing their best to eke some information out of it ahead of what's sure to be an Avengers-heavy news cycle tonight and tomorrow during and following the premiere. Wander over there to check it out!