X-Men Days Of Future Past Review: Highly Entertaining

While official long form reviews of X-Men: Days of Future Past are still under embargo, there have [...]

X-Men: Days Of Future Past Reviews

While official long form reviews of X-Men: Days of Future Past are still under embargo, there have been quite a few short reviews surface on Twitter. So far the short reviews have been incredible positive with many calling X-Men: Days of Future Past the best X-Men movie ever. In fact, we've yet to see a negative review of the film. On Thursday's Good Morning America, several members of the X-Men: Days of Future Past cast appeared to promote the film with GMA host Robin Roberts, who offered up her own feedback on the film. "Saw it [X-Men: Days of Future Past] in 3-D yesterday," said Robin Roberts. "It is highly entertaining, just leaves you wanting more and more and more." In regards to both James McAvoy and Patrick Stewart playing Charles Xavier, Roberts said, "It works. It really works. I mean the two of you together." At the end of the interview with the X-Men: Days of Future Past cast, Roberts re-iterated, "It was highly entertaining. Loved every second."