Zack Snyder Says Ben Affleck Is Amazing Batman, Hints At Bigger Enemy For Justice League

There aren't many villains in the DC Universe who are bigger and more powerful than Doomsday, the [...]

Ben Affleck Batman Zack Snyder Empire
(Photo: WB/Empire)

There aren't many villains in the DC Universe who are bigger and more powerful than Doomsday, the main physical threat behind Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice, but that's what director Zack Snyder is promising for Justice League, the first half of which will be in theaters in November of next year.

The comments come in a new interview posted at Obsev, where he also praised Ben Affleck's performance as Batman and talked about a contest he's judging for filmmakers to create a Doritos ad for the Super Bowl.

"We're working on Justice League right now, right? In a weird way, Justice League is the next step for these characters to form a bigger team. Maybe there's a bigger enemy to fight," Snyder says in the video. "[Affleck] is an amazing Batman....He's a great Batman."

You can check it out below.

Fearing the actions of a god-like Super Hero left unchecked, Gotham City's own formidable, forceful vigilante takes on Metropolis's most revered, modern-day savior, while the world wrestles with what sort of hero it really needs. And with Batman and Superman at war with one another, a new threat quickly arises, putting mankind in greater danger than it's ever known before.

Batman v. Superman: Dawn of Justice hits theaters March 25, 2016.