The main mechanic behind Pokemon GO is essentially walking, and while there are plenty of people willing to walk a few meters to grab an elusive Lapras or hatch their very own Snorlax, some really just would rather reap the benefits of the game without leaving their house.
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Youtube user KingSizzleC feels your pain, and has discovered a way to get around all that pesky walking and waiting, and decided to share his discoveries with the other Pokemon faithful. If you’ve collected a few eggs in Pokemon GO, you know that there’s a lot of patience and waiting involved when hatching them. KingSizzleC figured out that you can place your phone on a record turntable, which makes the phone think it’s moving. All you have to do is wait for the phone to record the specified “distance” and then your egg is ready to hatch.
For those who don’t have a turntable just laying around, you can always resort to Plan B, which is duct taping it (or attaching it in some way) to a ceiling fan. The premise is the same, but if you’re going to do that you might want to clean up there first, otherwise you’re phone will likely be covered in lint and dust when you’re through.
As time goes on, I imagine these little hacks will be patched, so if you’re going to take advantage of it, I would make sure to do it soon.