Power Rangers: Amy Jo Johnson Reveals Pitch Video For New Digital Series The Has Been

Amy Jo Johnson is taking on a new project, and she needs your help to make it happen.Johnson, who [...]

Amy Jo Johnson is taking on a new project, and she needs your help to make it happen.

Johnson, who Power Rangers fans will know as the original Pink Ranger Kimberly, recently made her directorial debut with The Space Between, and will be in the director's chair once again for a new web series called The Has Been. She'll also be starring in and writing the series, which is about an A-list actress who is about to go bankrupt and turns to the comic convention world to pay off her debuts.

Johnson's character Jordanna has been, well, not the nicest person to people throughout the years, and that seems to be biting her in the rear now that she can't find work. Helping her through this is Sylvia her booking agent, played by Jayne Eastwood, and her maid Gloria, played by Allegra Fulton. They are the only two who can seemingly tell her like it is, and through them, Jordanna discovers the world of comic conventions.

Johnson has embraced the world of comic conventions, and wanted a way to integrate that world into a project. Thus, The Has Been was formed.

"Because my first job I ever had was that of a Power Ranger, I've discovered this whole wacky awesome world of conventionhood. Did I just make that word up? So I've been really inspired to create this digital series around that world."

The best way to help Johnson make this a reality is to share it, so make sure to check out the Tweet above or the Youtube video at the top of this post. If they can secure funding for the project fans can expect it sometime in 2019.

Johnson might be best known for her role as a Power Ranger, but she's also starred in projects like Felicity, Flashpoint, and Covert Affairs, and has the film Between Waves also coming sometime this year. You can also check out The Space Between here.