Power Rangers Team Explains Importance Of Go Go To Shattered Grid

Now that Shattered Grid has reached its conclusion, you can see just how important Go Go Power [...]

Now that Shattered Grid has reached its conclusion, you can see just how important Go Go Power Rangers was to the story, and the team behind the big event more than agrees.

ComicBook.com had the chance to chat with Mighty Morphin Power Rangers writer Kyle Higgins, Go Go Power Rangers writer Ryan Parrott, new Power Rangers writer Marguerite Bennett, BOOM! Studios Senior Editor Dafna Pleban, and Director of Power Rangers Development and Production for Hasbro Melissa Flores about the big finale, one that shows just how important Go Go was to the overall storyline through how it handles Tommy Oliver.

Big spoilers incoming, so if you haven't read the issue yet you've been warned.

As revealed in Go Go Power Rangers, Ranger Slayer hit Tommy with an arrow containing her shard of the Chaos Crystal, which has some big ripples seen in Shattered Grid #1, and those seeds were planted in the first issue of the event.

"We knew from the beginning that, that was going... when we first said that in front of the arc," Parrott said. "We knew that there was going to be a moment that basically sort of coalesced at Tommy's death, and we sort of planted that line and it's sort of just the bait. But what was nice for me is that I just sort of got to tell my story and then sort of hint at it. Then Kyle had to explain the whole thing. I had the best time in the whole thing cause I didn't really have to do that much. Kyle had to do all of the heavy-lifting."

Go Go's arc of Shattered Grid kept the focus on the Rangers themselves while also working in the more massive scope of the event, which is no small feat.

"Well and I don't want to sell Ryan's story short," Pleban said. "He had to sort of set up the emotional core of what will ultimately unlock the event for our Rangers and give them a fighting chance and he did that while still maintaining the spirit and core of Go Go. The Go Go arc in Shattered Grid is still deeply about the characters and what they're struggling through. And filtering Dark Kim's arc through Kimberly really let us do what Power Rangers... but also Go Go specifically does so well. And I also really love how it had consequences. Really intense consequences for Matt, who's a character that we created in Go Go. There's a reason why he's not in the friend group when the show starts, and you really get this foundational moment not just in the event but in the actual fabric of the canon you already know, and I thought was really cool."

"Absolutely, Go Go is just as important to the lure as Shattered Grid," Flores said. "It's quieter, it's more subtle... but that doesn't make it any less impactful. Especially in those tiny moments that shape the rest of this world and shape these characters. And I think it's one of the really special things you can do. Where the story takes place in the past and the biggest thing that happens is somebody ruins prom, but ultimately it's those tiny moments as teenagers that shape you for the rest of your life and shape you as heroes. You can't discount those moments. These are teenagers under these suits, and to bind them together in these epic stakes and these quiet traumatizing almost cathartic characterizations that happened in Go Go, it's a perfect union, in my opinion."

You can find out even more about the big finale in our full interview right here.

Power Rangers: Shattered Grid #1 is in comic stores now.