Star Trek: Voyager's Captain Janeway to Receive Monument in Future Hometown

Star Trek: Voyager’s Capt. Kathryn Janeway will receive a monument in her honor in her future [...]

Star Trek: Voyager's Capt. Kathryn Janeway will receive a monument in her honor in her future hometown of Bloomington, Indiana. The Captain Janeway Bloomington Collective is seeking crowdfunding support in order to create and install a monument in Janeway's image in the city. The proposed design includes a bronze bust of Janeway atop a limestone base in the shape of a Starfleet insignia with stainless steel plating. The monument will also include information about Janeway's character and backstory, including her connection to Bloomington. The monument will be installed on Bloomington's B-Line Trailer. The CJBC has launched a crowdfunding campaign to raise the necessary funds to see the monument through to completion.

"Captain Janeway consistently demonstrated integrity and humanity in the face of many challenges. She led her crew home without compromising her principals and became a role model to a generation of young women. Captain Janeway deserves to be recognized in Bloomington, the place of her future birth," said Peter Kaczmarczyk of the Captain Janeway Bloomington Collective.

The crowdfunding campaign is also sponsored by the Indiana Housing and Community Development Authority and is now live on Patronicity. Artisan Alley leads the campaign with permission from CBS Studios.

If the campaign achieves its goal of at least $12,500 raised by December 21st, the IHCDA's CreatNg Places program will donate a matching grant to the CJBC. The funds will go towards the monument, appropriate signage, and community events.

Kate Mulgrew played Capt. Kathryn Janeway of the USS Voyager in Star Trek: Voyager. In September, she commemorated the 25th anniversary of the first time she stepped into the role. "It's come to my attention that on this day, 25 years ago, I filmed my first scenes as Captain Janeway," Mulgrew wrote on Facebook. "Thus, 25 years ago today I walked onto the Bridge and my life changed utterly. A singularly privileged and extraordinary journey on that intrepid vessel, with my beloved crew. How lucky I have been."

Star Trek: Voyager itself will celebrate its 25th anniversary in January 2020. The anniversary has led some fans to renew their call for Mulgrew to return as Janeway, be it a cameo on the upcoming CBS All Access series Star Trek: Picard or in another series. Mulgrew has said before that "I did it on Voyager. I played at the admiral, I did it. I think I did it." She's not sure that she'd want to return to that well again.

"I don't know," she said in an interview. "It surprised me when Patrick [Stewart] came out on the stage—I was there that day—and announced it. It surprised me that he wanted to. But I think he knows it will probably have a shot at being quite a hit. And there's no one who likes to work as much as Patrick Stewart. And for him, it will probably be very successful. Picard was beloved. Yeah, it'll be interesting. I don't know what to say about Janeway. Seven years is a long time to play a character. I'm not sure that she would enjoy resuscitation. She was a very, very vibrant person, while she was. I would have to cross that bridge when I got there. It's nothing that I have entertained."

What do you think of the Janeway monument? Will you be donating? Let us know in the comments.
