Star Wars: Han Solo Standalone Movie Title Revealed

Hey #Twitterville we just wrapped production so here's a special message #StarWars [...]

The next Star Wars standalone film is officially titled Solo: A Star Wars Story.

Director Ron Howard revealed the title with a video shared to Twitter, filmed following the end of production.

"Hi. Well, as we wrap up production I just wanted to take this moment to thank an incredibly talented cast and crew for all their hard work," Howard says in the video. "And to the fans out there, I hope you've enjoyed the pictures that I've been sharing, pictures I've been taking from the set of-"

Howard stops shorts and then turns off screen to ask, "Can we even say the name of the movie?"

A Wookie then hands Howard the title card for Solo: A Star Wars Story.

"I'll see you next year," he concludes.

Solo: A Star Wars Story opens in theaters May 25, 2018.