Harrison Ford Laughs Harder Than You've Ever Seen in This Interview

To celebrate the release of The Force Awakens, star Harrison Ford's regular media appearances [...]

To celebrate the release of The Force Awakens, star Harrison Ford's regular media appearances showed the actor's more curmudgeonly side, with co-stars and hosts frequently poking fun at actor's reserved behavior. During a recent interview to promote Blade Runner 2049, however, the actor showed a much more jovial side, barely containing his laughter from the host of This Morning.

Throughout the course of the interview, the host went on to compare the bleak tone of the film as being similar to the tone of the interview, with Ford going on to encourage the host to "cheer up." His Blade Runner co-star Ryan Gosling embraced the playfulness of the interview by pouring himself a drink of alcohol, taking the interview to another level.

At one point, Ford tried to get the interview back on track from all the shenanigans of the interview to make a profound statement about the film, claiming it's a triumph of the human spirit. Gosling was so impressed with his response, he attempted to end the interview then and there, resulting in Ford's uproarious laughter.

Additionally, the host at one point commented on Gosling's hobby of sewing, going so far as to question if the actor sewed the sweater he had on, which caused Ford to crack up.

Between characters like Han Solo and Indiana Jones, Ford's on-screen characters are always quick with a comeback, an attitude often juxtaposed by Ford's tight-lipped interviews. As evidenced by the interview above, the actor clearly has the capacity for goofiness, even if that's part of his personality he typically keeps to himself.

Sadly, we won't get any more of Ford's performance as Han Solo in upcoming Star Wars films, with Kylo Ren having killed the character in The Force Awakens.

This is far from the end of Solo permanently, as next year will see the release of a Han Solo spinoff film, focusing on the character's younger years. The role will be played by Alden Ehrenreich, who has some big shoes to fill as the smuggler.

The untitled Han Solo film will be in theaters May 25, 2018.

[H/T Vanity Fair]