Uber Driver Turned Down a Margot Robbie Party Invite To Watch 'Star Wars: The Last Jedi'

Star Wars: The Last Jedi has become the center of many fans' attention in recent weeks, for better [...]

Star Wars: The Last Jedi has become the center of many fans' attention in recent weeks, for better or for worse. And as it turns out, it even took priority over a once-in-a-lifetime party invitation from Margot Robbie.

Robert Bregnsdal, an Uber driver and DJ, struck up a conversation with Robbie and her husband while driving them to Miami Beach. Apparently, the three hit it off so well that Robbie actually invited him to the house party they were traveling to.

"[She said] 'What are you doing now?" Bregnsdal recently told The Sun. "Come with us to this house party! They are really nice people i think you'll fit right in.'"

But ultimately, Bregnsdal turned down the offer - because he'd already made plans to see The Last Jedi with a group of friends.

"My girlfriend was like 'Are you serious?'" Bregnsdal revealed. "'Go back with a empty wallet or something and pretend they left it in the car so you have a reason to go back!'"

As Bregnsdal explained, he thought he'd recognized the Suicide Squad and I, Tonya actress, even though she was dressed very casually.

"When I picked her up I recognised her face straight away." Bregnsdal explained. "She was wearing a hat so she wasn't as noticeable so I wasn't 100 percent sure at the time it was her...She was so casual and normal, didn't act stuck up or anything and was really chatty. I thought maybe it's not her because she's way too nice to be a big star."

But in the end, Bregnsdal chose the "boys' night" instead - something that even his friends didn't seem to understand.

"I told the guys after." Bregnsdal added. "And yes, I copped a bit of sh*t over it."

Ultimately, Bregnsdal says that he's glad to have gotten to see The Last Jedi, even if it came at such a unique cost.

"I don't regret going to watch Star Wars with the lads at all." Brengsdal revealed. "It was epic."

Star Wars: The Last Jedi is in theaters now.